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Quilted By Grace

Sharing words of inspiration, comfort, and hope.

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Win 10 copies of Quilting Lessons!
Ellen & Karen Ellen & Karen

Win 10 copies of Quilting Lessons!

Thanksgiving is coming! A day that is set apart to remember all the ways that we have been blessed by friends, family, and resources. Karen loves the smell of pumpkin pie baking and the rich autumn colors of the decorations that grace the table. Ellen loves taking walks, drinking hot coffee, and enjoying the tapestry of the changing season. The holiday gives us an opportunity to look back and be grateful for the many ways that God has been working, even when it’s not always easy to see at the time.

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Where Will Your Dreams Take You?
Ellen Curtis Ellen Curtis

Where Will Your Dreams Take You?

Dreams of what we want to accomplish come in different shapes and sizes. Some are born in childhood, like my desire to be a teacher. As a kindergartner, I played school with a cardboard box as my desk and paper and crayons as my supplies. I wanted to teach because my older siblings went to school. Your dream may be for adventure, a wish you hold for your family, or a desire for educational achievement. Your passion may be to start a business, become an artist, pursue musical talent, or lead others. Dreams are a wellspring waiting to be tapped.

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The Other Side of the Coin
Karen Gibson Karen Gibson

The Other Side of the Coin

On a warm summer morning my companions sat in a circle, full of contagious smiles and laughter. Our Bible study group had not met in person for fifteen months. Oh sure, we connected online and for the past five weeks we gathered a smaller portion of our group in person. But it was once again being all together that filled my soul with joy.

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The Conversation Between Authors and Readers
Ellen Curtis Ellen Curtis

The Conversation Between Authors and Readers

Once our devotional, Quilting Lessons, was published, we discovered that our journey as writers was taking new turns. We did not know the different tasks we would take on. To name a few: We are now known as authors and speakers. We are marketers and promoters of our book and line of notecards. We are event organizers, vendors, and managers of a website. However, the role we enjoy most is that of encouragers. When we hear from our readers it is an honor. The conversation between authors and readers is a unique gift that touches our hearts deeply.

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Waiting on the edge
Karen Gibson Karen Gibson

Waiting on the edge

As the sun stretched and yawned over the horizon its fingers of light gently touched the tall, dark spires of Bryce Canyon. With our coats wrapped tightly around us, we stood at the edge of the canyon in the freezing, dark predawn as we waited for the Utah sunrise. We could barely discern the hoodoos, the mysterious rock formations nestled under the dimly lit sky.

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