About Us

Meet  the Authors
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Ellen Curtis

Ellen Curtis is a Spanish instructor and a freelance writer with degrees in Spanish and English who is passionate about teaching and cross-cultural missions. She lives in Washington State and enjoys time with family and friends, traveling, entertaining, reading, and always coffee.


Karen Gibson

Karen Gibson is a wife and mother with degrees in library technology and technical writing. She writes, creates Bible studies, and speaks to women. She lives in the Pacific Northwest and enjoys teaching, reading, gardening, spending time with family and friends, and drinking tea.

Speaking Engagements

Karen and Ellen have a number of devotions crafted into talks to fit your group’s unique needs. Themes are based on classic quilt patterns in their full-color devotional, Quilting Lessons, that women will easily recognize and identify with.

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Album /
Tumbling Blocks

Karen and Ellen talk about how to create a personal L-E-G-A-C-Y for generations to come.

These two quilt designs, Album & Tumbling Blocks, about friendship encourage women to consider what they will leave behind and what they are building in the lives of others.

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Through the Broken Dishes quilt pattern, Karen and Ellen share personal stories of brokenness.

They impart the unshakable hope of finding hope, wholeness, and restoration through Jesus Christ.

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Garden Path /
Birds of the Air

Using two patterns based in nature, Garden Path & Birds of the Air, Karen and Ellen offer encouragement about the ways God works in our lives.

Learn about freedom that comes from Christ and the tools God uses to mold and teach His children.


Book Karen & Ellen for your next women’s event, quilting group, or retreat:

Connecting hearts to 
the Master Quilter

Karen Gibson and Ellen Curtis bring a patchwork blend of friendship, life, and faith experiences to speak to women’s heartfelt needs.

As friends and part of a prayer circle for 20 years, they have been enriched by the lives of older and younger Christian women. Writing partners and fellow journalers, Karen and Ellen respond to life in similar ways. Together, they wrote and published the full-color devotional, Quilting Lessons, and developed talks for women based on 30 classic quilt block patterns.

Together they seek to:

  • Encourage you to see the uncommon hope that we have in Jesus Christ

  • Share the blessings of Christian fellowship and offer practical ways to deepen your friendships

  • Lovingly challenge you to discover and develop your God-given gifts

  • Help you find joy as you step out into the unique journey God has for you!

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“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

–Romans 15:13

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