Where Will Your Dreams Take You?

Photo by Karen Gibson

Photo by Karen Gibson

Dreams of what we want to accomplish come in different shapes and sizes. Some are born in childhood, like my desire to be a teacher. As a kindergartner, I played school with a cardboard box as my desk and paper and crayons as my supplies. I wanted to teach because my older siblings went to school. Your dream may be for adventure, a wish you hold for your family, or a desire for educational achievement. Your passion may be to start a business, become an artist, pursue musical talent, or lead others. Dreams are a wellspring waiting to be tapped.

How does the seed of your idea turn into reality? We start with defining our dreams. As we do, they begin to take shape. For me, it is journaling and making a plan. Others may draw a picture or create a vision board or collage of their goals. I have found that dreams develop substance when they are shared with trusted family and friends. So, ask people to pray for your vision to come true. Lift your plans in prayer frequently.

The Creator God encourages our hearts to dream and even imagine the impossible. In Isaiah 41:18 He declares to the Hebrews, “I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys.” A river cannot be controlled. The Spirit decides where it will move. Fountains of blessing will appear where you least expect. Through His words, God has laid out an image of blessing and abundance.

Like stumbling upon an unexpected source of water, expect your dreams to surprise you and refresh you. Sometimes there will be setbacks, but they may be disguised as future opportunities. People may challenge you to see a talent that you don’t see in yourself. I’ve had mentors that helped me let go of my self-limiting thoughts. For example, I dreamed of using my Spanish after foreign study in Mexico. I loved making new friends and traveling. I made a promise to God that I would use my Spanish. Since college, my language skills have taken me to Central and South America, graduate school, study in Spain, job opportunities in teaching and interpreting, and forming rich friendships. Stepping into your goal will certainly take you to new places.

Like a meandering river, our dreams to write and publish our devotional, Quilting Lessons, took many twists and turns. We learned to stay open after being turned down by different publishers, and we persevered. The book we hold today is much richer and fuller and is more lovely than what we had envisioned. As coauthors, we have had fun road trips and adventures sharing our book at quilting and craft shows and speaking opportunities. Our shared dream to write has been expanded and turned into possibilities that we never would have imagined for ourselves.

Stepping out in faith on your personal journey will take you farther, and even to high places. A fountain of creativity and inspiration will spring up in your valley. We don’t know where our dreams will take us, but God delights in the impossible.


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