Waiting on the edge

Photo by James Gibson

Photo by James Gibson

As the sun stretched and yawned over the horizon its fingers of light gently touched the tall, dark spires of Bryce Canyon. With our coats wrapped tightly around us, we stood at the edge of the canyon in the freezing, dark predawn as we waited for the Utah sunrise. We could barely discern the hoodoos, the mysterious rock formations nestled under the dimly lit sky.

Peering down into the high desert landscape, my family and I watched as the hoodoos, seemingly huddled together, became colorful and distinct. As the sunlight painted their weird forms, colors hidden by the night were revealed. Some rock columns were almost iridescent while others glowed with shades of browns or rusty reds. As the sun rose high in the morning sky, the pageant of color changed before us.  

I love gazing at the unfolding drama of daybreak. It makes me ponder an artist using dark and light in elaborate combinations to enhance their masterpiece. Like the artist He gifted, our Creator uses colors in masterful ways. Sometimes he paints clouds with soft pink pigments. Other times it’s the ocean taking on the golden tints of the sun as it climbs over the horizon. Many times, I’ve watched the cedar, alder and maple trees near my house emerge from indistinct shadows to sharp silhouettes as the early morning light plays around their forms.  

Standing on the edge of Bryce Canyon in the national park, we watched as the dawn brushed the rock formations highlighting their unique beauty. Similarly, we are like those hoodoos reflecting the light of the sun. In the Bible, Jesus calls himself the Light of the World. He came to call us out of the darkness and into his glorious presence.  

Just as the sunrise comes each day, Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us: “The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning” (NLT). As we walk with the Light of the World, God’s light encompasses our lives and it is His beauty, mercy and grace that is revealed in us.


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