Win 10 copies of Quilting Lessons!

Thanksgiving is coming! A day that is set apart to remember all the ways that we have been blessed by friends, family, and resources. Karen loves the smell of pumpkin pie baking and the rich autumn colors of the decorations that grace the table. Ellen loves taking walks, drinking hot coffee, and enjoying the tapestry of the changing season. The holiday gives us an opportunity to look back and be grateful for the many ways that God has been working, even when it’s not always easy to see at the time.

We are so thankful for you, our readers and the connections that we share.

In the spirit of thanksgiving, we would like to offer a gift of ten copies of Quilting Lessons devotional to a Bible study, a ministry, or a non-profit organization. To nominate a deserving group, please use our submission form on our Quilted by Grace website. Please include the group name, contact information, and why you think they should win. Add QBG Contest to the “subject line” and use the “message” section to submit the details of your choice. Organizations must have a mailing address within the United States and submissions must be received by Thanksgiving Day, November 25th.

We look forward to hearing from you and reading your submissions! We will notify the winning organization by December 2, 2021.

Grateful for you,


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