The Power of Blessing

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As a shy sixth grader, I pursued activities I loved, such as reading, writing, and drawing. Because I enjoyed these pastimes, I did not mind the solitude. In the spring, my teacher gave a Language Arts assignment to write and illustrate a story. I spent hours drawing my protagonists at our family dining room table. As the deadline loomed, I rushed to print by hand the remainder of my story.

My hard work had an unexpected blessing. Mr. Puri offered me a slot in a summer enrichment program. I was shocked and pleased to be recognized for something I loved. All these years later, I recall my teacher’s brief message in my class autograph book: “Reach higher, Ellen.”

At a critical and impressionable age, those powerful, memorable words acted as a trajectory for my life. I shed much of my shyness by the time I entered junior high and felt a sense of quiet pride and belonging with my acknowledged gifts. Throughout my adult life, I have pursued my creativity in different ways, and I am thankful for my schoolteacher who called it out.

Decades later, while teaching Spanish at a community college, I experienced a moment of serendipity. On the side of a multi-story building on campus was a bigger-than-life colorful sign that proclaimed: “Reach Higher.” On that first day of class, I felt a smile grow inside, a personal blessing from God.

The power of blessing, whether it comes from a parent, pastor, teacher or friend has tremendous capacity to shape a life. In the Old Testament, God instructed Moses to bless Aaron and his sons. In turn they, as priests, were to bless the Hebrew people. The Aaronic Blessing is widely known and prayed to this day: “May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace” (Numbers 6:24-26, NLT).

Though it was common in biblical times for priests to bestow a blessing, we can all share a prayer, speak encouragement, or offer a gracious comment. Well-chosen words can be like spiritual food to a person lacking confidence or struggling to find direction. Proverbs 18:20 says, “Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction” (NLT). Speaking boldly and kindly about another person’s talent, passion or skill could have a deep impact and bring healing.  

Our words are plentiful. Choose wisely. Reach higher. May the Lord bless and protect you. May you feel His smile and may He be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace. In turn, may you share this rich blessing to those around you.


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