Who is Grace?

Matthew 24:27 TPT

“The appearing of the Son of Man will burst forth with the brightness of lightning shining from the eastern sky to the west.”

We often attend regional or local quilt shows to share and sell our devotional, Quilting Lessons, and our line of notecards. Our website is called Quilted by Grace. More than once we have been asked by a curious visitor to our booth, “Who is Grace?” Our guest may assume this person Grace is an expert quilter, and we are sitting at the table minding the space for her while she’s gone.

Their question is amusing to us, but there is someone whose name embodies grace, and that is Jesus Christ. His reckless love, His relentless pursuit of us, His extravagant sacrifice of his life for us can only be called Amazing Grace. And this Messiah is a Master Quilter of sorts, stitching together the broken pieces of our lives, and creating something absolutely brand new and beautiful from the scraps we give Him. 

If you do ask us who is Grace, this expert quilter, we will tell you it is Jesus. We are just minding the booth while He is gone. But, do not fear, He will be coming back soon.


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Birds and Berries